31.35. table_privileges

The view table_privileges identifies all privileges granted on tables or views to the current user or by the current user. There is one row for each combination of table, grantor, and grantee. Privileges granted to groups are identified in the view role_table_grants.

Table 31-33. table_privileges Columns

NameData TypeDescription
grantorsql_identifierName of the user that granted the privilege
granteesql_identifierName of the user or group that the privilege was granted to
table_catalogsql_identifierName of the database that contains the table (always the current database)
table_schemasql_identifierName of the schema that contains the table
table_namesql_identifierName of the table
privilege_typecharacter_data Type of the privilege: SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES, RULE, or TRIGGER
is_grantablecharacter_dataYES if the privilege is grantable, NO if not
with_hierarchycharacter_dataApplies to a feature not available in PostgreSQL

Note that the column grantee makes no distinction between users and groups. If you have users and groups with the same name, there is unfortunately no way to distinguish them. A future version of PostgreSQL will possibly prohibit having users and groups with the same name.